A hossain plaza

The tower location is based in Khulna, which is the most important commercial area in Khulna city about 70% Government and Non-Government Head Office are situated there from the very beginning of independent and near to the President Residence. The building having 4th steroid was built in 2006. Basement floor 13,290 sft. Ground floor and 1st floor contain 13,068 Sft each. On the other hand 2nd floor and 3rd floor contain 12,750 Sft each. There are 8 unit and each floor contain 2 unit. Each unit of ground floor and 1st floor has 6,534 Sft. And 2nd floor, 3rd floor has  12,750 Sft.

The tower was built with the view to source the financial sector of the city. In need of a great deal to access commercial facilities for the people of Dhaka city, the building currently fulfill all desires for establishing a standard of business in that commercial hub.All kinds of support are available for rising of day to day development strategy in the city. And now it is very famous for the establishment of the Bank’s Head Office.

ADDRESS: 4, Sir Iqbal Road, Khulna, Bangladesh.